Thursday, November 6, 2008

Proud to Be An American?

This one may be a little controversial, but I felt I needed to say it.

Election Day 2008. . . what a historic event. We live in a country where we have proven all men are created equal. It was a beautiful thing to watch. And I am excited about the potential for the country. I believe things will change; and I believe we are going to be in a much healthier spot in the next 10 years.

In California there was a bit of a dark shadow cast over this great event. While on a national stage we stated as a nation all men are created equal, we did not make that statement here.

I have considered myself a patriortic person my entire life. I have also been someone that has believed in God. As a partriot and as a religious person I know I have chose to live in a country where we believe all men are created equal and we believe in the separation of church and state. I think many of us forget these two things when it comes to our voting cycle. There are things we must accept as Americans. There are many people all around us with different religous and moral standards; however, we are all created equal according to our legal law.

Those in support of this proposition were concerned about the impact it could have on their children in school. Another wonderful thing about our country is we have a choice in where we send our children to school. We can choose to send our children to school where we can guarantee what is being taught is directly in line with our own personal beliefs. We should embrace this option if we are not tolerant to other ideas.

As I look at marriage in America, I see many many flaws. Our divorce rate is out of control. Hetrosexuals are not getting it right either. I don't see any laws trying to pass against those that have been married multiple times because they can't figure out what marriage really means. I don't see people concerned with what their children learn when Tommy has 5 brothers and sisters all from different fathers or mothers from various marriages or un-wed pregnancies. There are so many ways in which "marriage" is flawed in society today, especially if you hold it against a religous standard.

In spite of all of this, we have chose to say gays do not have the same rights as others; and that two people that love one another can not legally marry.

This makes me very sad. Over the past 10 years, I have been fortunate to bring into my life many gays. Two of Derek's best men in our wedding are gay. They are wonderful people who deserve to have every right I have as an American.

For everyone that voted Yes on Prop 8, if your child comes to you and tells you he or she is gay, are you going to want them to have the same rights you have in this country? I hope so.


whatthehell said...

Shana, I couldn't agree more. As one of those two groomsmen in your wedding it was an honour to attend and am thankful where I live I can have you at MY wedding should that day arrive. I hope for your country and your state they see the error of their ways and make it a truly just place for ALL men and women.

Unknown said...

I am so proud to be an American too. I can't tell you the attitude people have here about Obama- very closed. It makes me SICK. I mean- they claim they don't judge others and then boom- they believe every rumor about him. I have had to have thick skin lately and am not afraid to let others no I supported Obama.