Sunday, November 16, 2008

7 Months Update

I am now 27 weeks pregnant and in my seventh month. This is a shot of my growing belly and my new hairstyle. I thought I looked more stylish with it, but both Derek and Nicole's first comments were, "you got a mom cut." So while I love the change, we'll see if I continue to get more of those comments; and if I do, I may need to rethink things.

What am I feeling at 27 weeks? My back is killing me! I've started going to the chiropractor. I will be on a 3x a week treatment plan for one month and then we'll see how things are going from there. I have a belly brace and a crazy pillow that wraps all around me to help with things. Hopefully the chiropractor will do the trick though; otherwise, I may not be walking by the end of this adventure. Other than that, things are going well. She is a very active little one that loves to do aerobics between 7:00 and 9:00 each night.

1 comment:

Jamie and Family said...

I think you look very cute! And, really, the reality is that no one would have said you got a mom cut if you weren't pregnant....there is something about that cute belly that could make hairstyle look mom-ish. I always feel the need for more of a styled haircut when I'm prego because I start to feel so out of control with how the shape of my body. Really, though, you look great!!!!