Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Working From Home

I've officially become a telecommuter for the remaining weeks before I go on maternity leave. This started last week. I love it and hate it all at the same time.

Why I love it:
- If I want to, I don't even have to get out of bed to work. (Which means I don't have to shower, get dressed, put on make-up or anything.)
- When I have 15 minutes of down time in between meetings or not enough time to actually accomplish a task for work, I can update my blog!
- I can sleep in, which ordinarily I wouldn't even be able to do, but I've been super tired lately.

Why I hate it:
- I've looked terrible for the last week. One day I completely forgot to brush my teeth. I hope Derek doesn't think this is my new mommy look. He may begin looking elsewhere if that is the case. :)
- I have been spoiled having breakfast and lunch prepared for me at work. Now I have to figure out what to eat and actually fix it for myself. And I need to try and make sure it's healthy. I don't like this. And it takes too much time.
- I need some people interaction! This could drive me nuts. I feel a little like a caged animal.
- I look around the house and think of all the things that need to be done, but I can't really do them. So, I add them to Derek's chore list. Derek is ready to throw my chore list out the window.

What I've learned:
- I can not be a permanent telecommuter. Maybe a day or two a week might work, but I could not do this every day, all the time. I feel like a recluse.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The planning meals part is a pain but good to learn with a baby on the way. That is something I always have to stay on top of so we don't spend money eating out and so my kids learning healthy eating habits. Wish I could stop by and visit you:)