Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back to the Real World

Maren's first beach experience

Look closely. . .the black blur is Griffin running like the wind up and down the beach.

Griffin thought this vacation was all about him.

So. . .today ends my second day of being back to work. This is how I feel about work: lost, confused, saddened, disappointed, but happy to see old faces and catch up. I can do without the actual work piece of it though. But, I must find a way to rediscover my passion. We'll see how long that takes. Meanwhile, Maren is doing fabulous. She loves Maritza, her nanny. I think she has a great time with her; and she has been full of giggles and smiles when I've walked in the door. Having Maritza and knowing Maren is being well cared for has made this transition 100 times easier than I expected it to be. She is the only shining light in this situation.

But. . .enough of the woe is me. Prior to D day, we spent 4 days in this tiny town called Anchor Bay, population 146, in Mendocino County. I loved it. We were totally removed from the craziness. We stayed in this fantastic B and B. It is called the North Coast Country Inn. If you have the opportunity to head that way, I highly recommend it. It was so peaceful there. I would love to spend a ton of time there. The property is beautiful. It is across the street from the ocean. It felt very private; and the breakfast was amazing. And while there was no phone, cell phone reception, internet access of television (I was a little paranoid when finding this out upon arriving) I loved every minute of being totally disconnected. I challenge each of you to try it for 2 days. (Sadly. . .I didn't take a single picture of the property. I am seriously lame on that front.)

Oh. . .and a side note. This was Griffin's first and last hotel/B&B experience. I don't think he is cut out for the vacation life. We need to be totally out in the wilderness on our own for her to tag along again. And another side note, we stopped off in Petaluma and took Griffin to this place that lets dogs herd sheep. I think he thought he had died and gone to heaven. That was a great thing to watch; and we do hope to take him back there.

1 comment:

cindy said...

Sorry to break it to you....but you will probably NEVER feel the same passion for work that you once did. I still don't. Everything changes when you have a kid....they become priority #1, 2, 3.....and work falls somewhere further down the list. I've accepted it now but I spent my first few months at work feeling like an imposter since I used to be 150% focused. You'll get used to it! In the meantime, it's great that Maren loves her nanny. You're right, that part does make it MUCH easier. Let's get together soon and commiserate!