Friday, March 6, 2009

Hungry Baby

Today marks my final day of having Derek at home with me to help with Maren. A week ago, I wasn't sure I was prepared to handle it on my own, but today I'm feeling much more confident. Maren has had unusual infant behavior the past few weeks. She has only been sleeping about 10 hours a day. Yesterday, between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:00 pm, she slept for two hours. And she has been a bit fussy throughout the day. She hasn't lasted for more than 15 minutes in her bassinet, swing or bouncy chair, which means she has been spending most of her time in my arms. Today things are different. . . thank goodness. And what we discovered is she just hasn't been getting enough to eat.

It was a struggle getting my milk to come in after all the trauma of the labor. And now that it is in, I'm just not producing enough. The lactation consultants told me to try and keep her at my breast during the day and just supplement with formula at night. So, that's what we have been doing. But it just hasn't worked. She hasn't been gaining enough wait and she's not sleeping. I've been upset about my milk situation, but I've finally come to terms with the fact she is going to primarily be a formula baby. So, the formula has been flowing today. She was able to spend about 45 minutes in her swing and she actually asleep right now. . .few.

Thankfully she has been a good night sleeper. I think that's because she's so exhausted from not sleeping during the day. So, we'll see how she does tonight.

And I seriously need to get much better about taking pictures. I think I'm going to set a goal to take a picture a day beginning next week. I need a good one for the birth announcements.


Jamie and Family said...

Such a relief when you can put together a puzzle piece successfully. It is CONSTANT guessing with a baby since they obviously can't talk! Way to go! I'll be anxiously awaiting the pics!

Unknown said...

All my babies are formula babies and they are just fine! I think the mental health of the mama is more important and that the baby has a full tummy. My problem was too much milk. I have a faucet that can't be turned off and I hate feeling like a dairy cow.