Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flashback becomes reality

Hey ladies. . .remember the big hair days of the 80's and early 90's, the toxic smell of the chemicals you placed on your hair to achieve the ultimate curl. Don't let anyone tell you the perm is out. I've brought it back. Don't ask me what got into me, but I was super tired of my hair and everything else about the 80's has come back, so I decided to bring the perm back. I haven't exactly mastered styling it yet. I'm a bit of a frizzy mess, but I have confidence I'll be back into the swing of things shortly. I actually really like it. And as soon as I get a chance, I'll take a picture of myself and post it. Until then, I leave you with this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so great- I have thought about a perm lately too- what is getting into us? I can't wait to see a picture.