Monday, February 2, 2009

The Man Weekend

Over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, Derek held a man weekend in Tahoe. He had friends from the Bay Area, Canada and Arizona come to participate. They had a ton of fun; and he came home saying men are disgusting when women aren't around, so they next time they're going to invite at least one girl. We'll see when that next time happens. :)

A few days before he left, I had a doctor appt. I was pretty confident the baby had dropped and sure enough they confirmed she had dropped and things were starting to look like she may arrive soon. So, Derek was very nervous about leaving me, but snow was not in the forecast, so I knew if anything happened, he could make it back in time.
With that being said, I was still a little nervous about being home along. I made Jody stay with me Thursday and Friday night. But, I was going to be solo on Saturday.

Saturday afternoon, I went to get my hair done and then Jody and I grabbed lunch together. While we were eating, I saw this kid that looked really familiar walk by the window and then a man that really looked like my mom's boyfriend and the next think I knew my mom, Ron and kids were standing in front of me. Let me just say a sigh of relieve came over me because I no longer had to worry about anything because my mom would be there if anything happened. It was the firs time the kids had been to SF, so I tried my best to be a good tour guide, although I didn't move very quickly. Here they are at the Golden Gate Bridge. Jody was the photographer and I took a nap in the car. It was a beautiful day in San Francisco.

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