Monday, January 12, 2009

Information Overload

When you are pregnant, there are about a million different informational books you can read about conceiving, being pregnant, birthing, etc. It really can be overwhelming. I have a stack of books people have been kind enough to give me, but to be honest, it's too much. You really could spend all of your time obsessing about it; and in the end, your body is going to do what your body wants to do.

Throughout my pregnancy, I've been attending a prenatal yoga class in Oakland. And honestly, I think this is what has prepared me the most in the end. My instructor was a L&D nurse for a number of years and has now moved into practicing yoga and working with mommies and mommies to be. I really trust her. She held a 3 hr workshop on birthing yesterday that Derek and I attend. Call me crazy, but this picture reflects my take aways. And this is what will get me through this.

- We are mammals. No other mammals read books to prepare for birth. It happens naturally and the body knows what to do. Listen to your body.

- Fear is the enemy. Fear creates anxiety and when your mind feels anxious, your body responds to protect you from that which you are anxious or fearful. Do not fear birth, it will make things more difficult. Embrace what your body is doing and know that it is helping you see your baby.

- Gravity is your friend. Everything that is taking place with your body is flowing downward. Gravity will naturally help with this process. So, don't lay down out the gate. It will only slow you down.

- Remove any negative energy from the room. If someone or something doesn't feel right, change it.

People keep asking me if I'm afraid. And I'm truly not afraid. At some point in time, likely over the next 33 days, I'm going to have a baby. It will be the most intense physical and emotional experience I've had in my life. And I can't wait!


Unknown said...

I have never been afraid to give birth with all three of mine. Actually that is my favorite part of pregnancy (maybe due to my extreme sickness). The birth of all three of mine has been so low key, exciting and amazing.

cindy said...

Good for you, girl! Cynthea is awesome. :)
No reason to be afraid - it's SO not as bad as people make it out to be. Keep us posted!!