Monday, January 18, 2010

Maren is 11 Months Old

I am two days late with this. . .on Saturday, Maren was 11 months old. As we approach the one year mark, I can hardly believe that my baby girl is almost a year old. And when I look at her, I don't understand how she went from this tiny little being to a little girl so quickly.

My mom was here for the weekend and was able to help Maren celebrate her eleventh month of life.

At 11 months, this is what Maren is up to.
- She has expanded her vocabulary a bit. Her words include: mama, dada, nana, baby, coco, griffy, go and hi.
- She can high five.
- She waves good-bye.
- She loves Griffin's dog food and water bowl. If I can't find her, I know she's there playing in his bowls.
- She also loves Griffin's bones and I think she feels they are the best teething toys around. (Yuck!)
- She has moved from an open mouthed kiss to a pierced lip kiss.
- She loves to practice standing on her own and is very proud of herself when she does.
- She can walk all over the place as long as she has a hand on something.
- She is either transitioning from one nap to two or has an extreme desire to fight her mama when put down for her naps.
- She can not stay still and makes it quite a challenge to change her diaper. As soon as the diaper is off, she is off at lightening speed.
- She is beginning to like to cuddle, which makes her mama and daddy very happy.
- She loves books and she especially loves to turn the page.
- And I believe her favorite thing on earth is dogs. She gets so excited when she sees them and has to kiss them whenever she sees one in a book.
- She is a big girl with eating. She only wants food she can pick up herself and put in her mouth. If a spoon is used, she needs to be the one to put it in her mouth.
- She suddenly dislikes vegetables and she can't get enough carbs.

We love you Maren!

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